Monday 27 June 2011

Cell Phone Tracer - Why Should You Spy On Your Cheating Spouse?

Why Do We Need To Spy On A Cheating Spouse?

Why not?!.

This topic of spying continues to be a dispute of ethical issues specially to conservative citizens. The majority, if not all, don't want to be under surveillance. "I would like some privacy". That is what almost everyone would say. So why do you think was this software invented for the public?

Hmmm... I don't know, a cheating spouse maybe?) Absolutely that beats what moral debates about spying there is, don't you think?

Well, we can't deny the truth that we are only human, and so we are likely to make mistakes. The trouble comes when we get influenced to these mistakes and we no longer envision it as an error on judgment but instead a means to justify our corrupt practices. In as much as we adore our spouse or our "better half" as we call them, they meet a lot of people from work or just by hanging out at a coffee shop. These recurring meetings with their colleagues tend to result into some manner of a "unusual relationship" that replaces their existing relationship with their spouses. When they prefer to spend the majority of their time at work or some other place other than with you, he or she starts another kind of relationship that causes "CHEATING".

Dishonest spouses or partners are common at the present time due to contentment and commitment issues. Why? There are so many reasons. Adulterous folks will continuously find an excuse for their dishonesty. Some say "I couldn't help myself, it just happened". They just can't restrain the urge. It's like being caught in a web with no way to break loose.. Others want to cheat just to prove something. But no matter what the intention for cheating is, someone in a relationship always ends up getting hurt. And no one ever deserves it!

This is without doubt one of the reasons why cell phone locating devices were made available to the masses. When cell phone locating devices were introduced, it went through quite a lot of buzz amongst critics, especially the conservative bunch. Invasion of privacy was a big matter. But then, spouses continue to cheat and deny the affair knowing they could get away with it because you don't have proof and it is vitally troublesome to get one. Private investigators cost quite a lot of money while doing it yourself could be time consuming and unproductive. It may also be shameful to some people specially when you have a reputation to maintain, or your pride, I suppose. On the other hand, you could simply be too shy to do it.

So what's your other option?

Track a phone - his/her mobile phone. It only takes about 10 minutes for you to use his/her cell phone and to install a program like a cell phones spy software on it. You can then watch the activities in it from your computer. Isn't that purely fascinating? To me it is. Additionally, even when all the data and information in the cell phone are DELETED, it is still possible to retrieve them through the software.
All of that vital facts will be kept in your account, which you can log in to from any computer in the world. And the sweetest feature of them all, the cellphone spy will send information promptly to your account live without the user knowing it. It works in complete stealth, without traces of it running with the phone program.

There are free cellphone spy programs that are available online, although I highly commend the paid ones. The free softwares are frequently unreliable and slow and may even post poor results. Well you wouldn't want to use inaccurate information as evidence in court, now would you? I'm sure I won't. As they say, "you get what you paid for".

With a bit of luck this issue of cheating spouses will soon be a "thing of the past" because of this ingenious technology. Beware CHEATERS!


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