Monday 27 June 2011

Say Bye to Your Traditional Cigarettes

Every year, millions of people die of diseases that are caused by smoking. A smoker has to accept some things in his life. Ashes in the air, cigarette butts to dispose of, and families complaining about cigarette butts in the room are just some of the downsides to smoking. No matter you smoke or not, you have the risk to get those diseases. Research shows that the hazard of second-hand smoke is much more dangerous than smoking itself. And that is why a lot of non-smokers urge smokers to quit. However, as you know, it is not an easy task to stop smoking. Why did they ever start?

Tobacco advertising may have a big influence on why people initiate smoke. For years, the industry has focused on making smoking glamorous through advertisement, movies, television, and billboards. While cigarette advertising is now controlled, its influence can still be felt in the form of free samples, smoking cartoons, and the promise of cool merchandise that can be obtained in exchange for coupons printed on cigarette packs. Many people claim that smoking keeps them thin, but the truth is that smoking reduces the sense of taste, which explains the reason why they smoke eat less. Apart from this, people find excuse to their smoking. Many teenagers start smoking due to peer pressure. They may also smoke to feel more mature or as a form of rebellion against parental authority. It has been proved that children are also more likely to smoke if their parents do. Thus, if they can be stopped in the very beginning, the numbers of smokers in the future perhaps somehow reduce.

Non-smokers dislike smoking mainly because the traditional cigarettes contain tar, nicotine, harmful chemicals and terrible smells. However, there is electronic cigarette in the market for smokers. E cigarette is a new type of cigarette in recent years. Guess you may wonder whether this cigarette is really as satisfying as the traditional ones. From some review online from life-long smokers, they think electronic cigarette feels much better. Because they can still get the "throat hit" from the vapor without the nasty smell. It is not a real cigarette but can be enjoyed through the process of smoking. What's more, the flavors of mint, tobacco and apple are actually more enjoyable than traditional cigarettes. Smokers will save more money if they switch to electronic cigarettes as the price is about half the traditional ones. Moreover, buying electronic cigarette kit is another way to save money on smoking. The kit usually includes chargers, nicotine cartridges and an instruction manual. You can also choose mini e-cigarettes to save even more money. They are smaller and less expensive with a shorter battery life. These are the ideal choice for anyone who wants to try out e cigarettes for the first time. Those who enjoy them suggest that buying at online electronics stores where you can have more choices then. Those stores sell both wholesale and retail to customers, and sometimes offers coupons or discount.
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