Sunday 26 June 2011

5 Simple Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Let’s be honest. You simply must increase website traffic. You may have the best looking website with the most relevant and informative content in your niche, but if no one sees it who’s to know it exists?
This article introduces you to five simple ways to increase website traffic.
Safelist Email Marketing:
Our first way to increase website traffic is with safelist email marketing. A safelist is a list of members who agree to receive commercial emails from the other list members. In exchange for receiving those emails, you are able to send an email to the other members. This is a great and often over looked way to expose your website to a large number of people quickly and build your list of emails.
Many marketers make the mistake of trying to make a sale with their email. The successful marketer draws attention to their site with a captivating headline and a valuable freebie.
JV Giveaway Events:
A JV giveaway event is set up by a sponsor who invites marketers to contribute freebies to the online event. The sponsors and contributing members then invite people to come to the event to get these freebies. The visitor gets a good informative report, piece of software, or an Ebook for free. The marketer gets a new potential customer to their site and sign up on their list of emails.
Two keys to the most success with a JV Giveaway event are; one find an event that is either sponsored by a well known name in the industry or has well known contributors. Two is to have a good freebie that is not over used by other marketers.
List Swaps:
ListSwaps are a good way to find targeted website traffic. Two marketers agree to send an email, introducing the other marketer, to their list of followers. Many marketers have very large lists that they will introduce your website to. If your list is smaller, negotiate sending a repeat email to your list or they send to only a portion of their list.
The key to making ListSwaps work is by capturing the new visitors email address so you can continue to contact them.
Blog Commenting:
There are blogs devoted to every niche. Blogs are designed to be more social than conventional websites and visitors usually can add their comments. Bloggers need and want people to interact and have conversations to increase the popularity of their blogs. For you commenting on blogs that are related to your website gives your site exposure.
The key for success with blog commenting is to make your comments valuable. The traffic generated will come to your site because it is interested in learning more from you.
Article Marketing:
Posting articles to directories and other websites are a long term method of increasing website traffic. With article marketing you write and informative article on a topic within your niche and post it to article directories or give it to other marketers to post on their website. At the end of your article you give a little information about your site. People will come to your site to learn more.
Any one of these or a combination will increase website traffic to your site. The key to all of these methods is to do them. Then take time to learn the intricacies of each to maximize your success.


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