Sunday 26 June 2011

How To Make Money With Squidoo

Image representing Squidoo as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Critical to most users is their ability to make money using You can do this many ways. Here are a few common ways users make money-using Squidoo:

-You can use to gain backlinks to your website.
-You can increase your search engine rankings and send more traffic and hence gain more customers using Squidoo.
-You can use to build a list you can send promotions to.
-You can promote your affiliate programs using
-You can promote your own products and services using Squidoo.
-You can use AdSense and other programs to make money through a simple lens page at Squidoo.

So how do you DO this? It's easy.

It's called Squidoo Marketing 101.

The key to making money and using to promote your sites is simply setting it up properly.

500,000+ users currently use Squidoo, and this number grows every day.

The simple act of creating a powerful lens on Squidoo can increase your page rank so that your site is ranked in the top 100 on Google and other major search engines.

Squidoo is easy to use because you can use content and advertisements you already have to create a simple and effective lens.

Now remember, your lens is nothing more than an informational webpage. Most lens pages provide expertise on the subject they promote.

You can use lens pages to promote, create top lists of your favorite items or sites if you affiliate market and more. You can review other sites on your lens page and drive traffic to them.

When you create pages on Squidoo you become an official "lensmaster" instead of a "webmaster."

Many people view lensmasters as credible experts in their field.

While some other promotional sites ding people for trying to promote their products or affiliate products on their pages, Squidoo does just the opposite; in fact, it encourages users to promote quality products, including their own (or those they affiliate market).

Of course, you cannot simply set up a lens on any topic and hope for the best page rankings.

As with anything you will need to do some research to make sure you are using popular keywords and marketing in a niche category that is of interest to people.

There are many reasons people do not get sales; their product may not be very popular for example, or their advertising may be poor. They may not have enough traffic to promote enough sales.

So, before setting up a lens page to promote your products, make sure you have a hot niche, one that people are interested in finding more information about, and one people may have an interest in paying for. (Meaning, they will pay for content provided in this niche area).

Some of the best niches to promote include:

- Internet marketing, including anything involving niche marketing, building lists or selling information products on the Web.
- Electronics, including information on MP3 players or other popular music and audio electronic products.
- Diet and fitness, as people are constantly searching for information about losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet.
- Baby or parenting, as many women and moms-to-be actively comprise some of the largest communities on the Web.

If you want ideas about topics that are popular, simply take some time to view the top 100 lenses on Squidoo to find out what people are looking for.

After you do this, and select which of your products or websites are most likely to do well, you have to make sure you have great keywords to use on your lens page, keywords that will draw people to your site and link them to your other websites and affiliate sites.

Grab my free report about article marketing tactics at Article Webstore or visit Frank Breinling Blog for fresh high quality information products to sell.


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