Wednesday 29 June 2011

Single and Looking for Fun

Some people fear being single because for so many centuries this meant that a person might not be desirable. In today's dating community however, there are plenty of single people who may be looking for another date, but have no desire whatsoever to be tied down.
One of the most important difficulties to face when choosing a single life is being forced to defend your choice. Whether or not you ever hope to settle down is a decision that should be entirely your own, not one you give into because of pressure coming from any place in your life.
Why is it so important that the choice should be your own? Because if you allow yourself to get into a serious relationship when you have no desire to be, chances are it will NOT work out. Then you will be left with the fact that you may have hurt another person, as well as yourself and that is no way to find romance.
Some people may wonder at the appeal of a never ending string of dates and the freedom of a single life. The world today offers so many options for people looking to find a date and keep it casual along with so many wonderful ways to keep that spark going even from a distance.
Those who have chosen to meet people online through singles dating sites know how exciting online dating can be and how easy it is to create a best first date with someone when you have already had a chance to chat. The appeal of this method of dating extends from casual to soul mate searching and everything in between allowing singles to browse and flirt at their own pace and at their convenience.
Text flirting also keeps many singes occupied these days with a way of connecting without investing too much time or effort. The online lives so many singes lead from blogging to social networking can allow them to feel confident about being who they are and fulfills a need to connect with others. This may also contribute to so many people taking a step back from jumping head first into commitment and waiting for that truly special person, if they should happen to come along.
Even singles who have experienced a rash of bad dates may look for a little dating help, but not necessarily to find their true love. Many people simply enjoy having new experiences and finding new places where people meet to socialize. Through these adventures many single people have the opportunity to learn about themselves and what they most enjoy in life not to mention often havin a great deal of fun along the way.
There are some negatives, certainly about being a single person and just because you enjoy the life doesn't mean that you don't sometimes wonder what it might be like to have a partner to share things with. The idea of truly finding a match, a best friend and lover, who you just can't seem to live without appeals to a surprising number of both men and women.
Those who choose to enjoy the single life however need not be disappointed if along the way they never happen to meet that perfect someone; but in the mean time there are many benefits to being free to govern your own life and truly enjoy things the way you like them:
* Free to flirt and get close
* Complete control over the direction your life takes
* New experiences with new people, including a variety of dates and romantic experiences
* A chance to know yourself as an individual
* The ability to devote your time to your career or the hobbies you most enjoy
* A chance to change direction in your life with only yourself to consider
* Occupying your time with what you feel is most important
* Your living space is your own
* The advantage of truly knowing what you want so that if that special someone comes along you can offer the very best of yourself to them.
Though there are certainly no shortage of people who hope and dream of finding the right person to share their lives with, the days of singles being judged for not wanting to settle down may be over. With the long and healthy lives so many active people live and the amazing opportunities the world offers, many people are willing to hold out for the very best and not let a partner, or lack thereof, define who they are.
After all being happy with yourself is possibly the best way to find yourself feeling fulfilled in life and if love should find you, all the better that you know how lucky you are to find it and how lucky that person is to have found you.
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