Tuesday 14 June 2011

First Things First in First Aid

The ABC of first aid that a person must know while attending on a victim who is injured, hurt or unconscious.
1. (i)A-Airway- First pay attention to his airway check if his tongue or any other thing is obstruction his airway. if yes, take measures to rectify it

(ii) B- Beating- Check if his breathing is normal. if not take steps to ease his breathing.

(iii) C- Circulation - The contraction and expansion of the heart purifies the blood and sends it to the brain and other parts of the body and sends it to the brain and other parts of the body. A check on the pulsing carotid arteries on either side of the vocal cords will ensure that the heart and circulation process are functioning normally. if not, the heart must be activated.

2. Arrest bleeding.

3. Do not shift a person whose neck or back is hurt, even if it is necessary to relocate the person.

4. lay the injured person straight on the floor. if he vomits, turn his to his side, provided his neck or back bone is not fractured. cover him with a blanket and keep his warm.

5. While you are attending to the first aid, ask another person to contact the hospital for ambulance. Also ask for further medical advice advice regarding the first aid.

6. if required loosen his clothes. if it is a burn victim, for no loosen his clothes unless the clothes are burning.

7. do not get tense. it might affect the victim. keep cool. calm down the patient too.

8. do not force any liquid down his throat it might choke his windpipe and arrest his breathing.

9. do not slap or shake an unconscious person to revive his consciousness.

10. search his pockets for any kind of medical card it might help gather important details about him.


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