Tuesday 19 July 2011

Hudak's Gutless Stand On Abortion

WASHINGTON - JANUARY 22:  A pro-choice activis...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeWe know that Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak is a big tough guy because he is prepared to put tracking bracelets on 14,000 convicted sex offenders.

That takes guts because crime rates are plummeting across Ontario due to aging demographics. So obviously with decreasing crime rates, Ontario needs to get tough on crime. Yes, it takes guts to do something so unnecessary. Oh, it's about votes you say? Well, that explains it.

So a gutty guy like Hudak would immediately say where he stands on abortion, right? Maybe not.

After all, a bleeding-heart, non-tough guy like Liberal like Premier Dalton McGuinty is forthright about his stand on abortion. Spokeswoman Jane Almeida said: McGuinty "supports a woman's right to choose. ... The McGuinty government has always held this position and will continue to stand up for Ontario women's right to choose."

Hudak at a news conference said that on abortion, "We are not reopening this debate."

In 2009, Hudak said he couldn't support abortion and had signed petitions against funding abortion.

Yet at a news conference this week despite knowing questions on this topic were bound to be asked, Hudak said he "may" have signed a petition.

Odd that Hudak can address the pressing issue of promoting the sale of buck-a-beer, but not abortion. Oh, it's about votes you say? Well, that explains it. Election is coming on Oct. 6.

Just who has guts on this issue and who doesn't?


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